IU RedLab is proud to be involved in helping develop the Civilian TAK (CIVTAK) community. In addition, we are also exploring research in areas such as implementing TAK for indoor tracking and mapping, AI integration, and user experience.
Example Projects
First Responder Smart Tracking (FRST) Challenge
Hosting the First Responder Smart Tracking Challenge (FRST), a national competition focused on smart, accurate, in-building location tracking for first responders.
i-Site Project
iSite is committed to developing inexpensive, user-friendly digital twins that are lightweight, interactive, interoperable, and suitable for emergency response applications. Our focus is on resolving the shortage of affordable, easy-to-use floor plans that can be utilized by first responders in incident command and dispatch scenarios.
Situational Awareness Screens for the Bloomington Fire Department
Developing a visual information system in collaboration with Bloomington Fire Department and Netage B.V. in the Netherlands.
Analysis Platform for Risk, Resilience and Expenditure in Disasters
The APRED project is focused on finding the connections and relationships between disaster risk, resilience, and cost, using a rich data set of documented outcomes for federal disaster recovery efforts. This project, funded by the Economic Development Administration (EDA), will provide an analysis of the outcomes and impacts of FY2012 disaster supplemental appropriation funds spent at the local, county, and state level for disaster relief over a 6-year period, using reporting required under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
Bloomington Emergency Dashboard
A dashboard to allow different departments at the City of Bloomington to ping and relay their operational statuses.
FEMA Disaster Declarations
Real-time dashboard for all FEMA disaster declarations. Categories range from food, to hurricane and toxic substances.
Rapid visual analysis of resilience by state and county generated using data sourced from the United States Census (“Census”), American Community Survey (“ACS”), and other frequently‐published data sources.