Analysis Platform for Risk, Resilience and Expenditure in Disasters

The APRED project focuses on finding the connections and relationships between disaster risk, resilience, and cost, using a rich data set of documented outcomes for federal disaster recovery efforts. APRED is a map-based platform that provides policy makers with information on the disaster resilience and vulnerability profile of all counties across the United States. 

About the Project

The APRED project focuses on finding the connections and relationships between disaster risk, resilience, and cost, using a rich data set of documented outcomes for federal disaster recovery efforts. This project, funded by the Economic Development Agency (EDA), provided an analysis of the outcomes and impacts of FY2012 disaster supplemental appropriation funds spent at the local, county, and state level for disaster relief over a 6-year period, using reporting required under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

The resulting analysis included an online tool and dataset (APRED) with an easy-to-use interface for studying pre-disaster risk, quantification of potential impact of disasters, measurement of short-term post-disaster impacts and measurement of possible long-term economic outcomes. The project members leveraged an existing pilot study done in collaboration with StatsAmerica and EDA, as well as existing relationships with EDA and FEMA to support recommendations on how best to understand risk and vulnerability for communities, counties, and regions.

The APRED tool is part of StatsAmerica, to aid in its adoption by economic development practitioners and to ensure continued support beyond the end of the project.