This page contains a sample of the projects related to iSite. We are constantly working on solving new and innovative challenges. Do check back for more updates!
This page contains a sample of the projects related to iSite. We are constantly working on solving new and innovative challenges. Do check back for more updates!
Muscatatuck Urban Training Center | Muscatatuck Urban Training Center | Muscatatuck Urban Training Center |
The iSite project aims to develop interactive and intelligent floor plans, called iBObs (intelligent Building Objects), which can be integrated with various applications and provide information about building features, safety equipment, and occupant locations. These smart pre-plans are built using open standards and can be easily shared among different agencies.
![]() | As a demonstration for the IU RedLab (prev. Crisis Technologies Innovation Lab) FRST Challenge, the iSite team overlaid floor plans of multiple buildings at Indiana University onto Google Maps, allowing users to zoom in and out between the campus level and specific building floors. This proof-of-concept implementation showcased the ability to interact with floor plan data on a familiar mapping interface. |
The IU RedLab at Indiana University administered the First Responder Smart Tracking (FRST) Challenge, a prize competition focused on indoor location tracking of first responders. The judging platform for this challenge includes 2D and 3D maps of the testing facilities, leveraging the mapping technologies developed by the iSite project.
Judging Platform | Throughout the competition, competitor prototypes were rigorously tested at an urban training center using a judging platform featuring comprehensive 2D and 3D maps of the testing facilities. The iSite team developed detailed floor plans, which include the geo-referenced monument points used for tracking competitors and provide a comprehensive view of all building floors. |
Signal Analysis | Signal Analysis involves conducting a visual assessment of competitors' performance in the FRST Challenge. Left side is a visual representation depicting the path of a firefighter through a hospital building in Muscatatuck. This 2D simulation is based on competitor data, showcasing their accuracy in reaching specific points within the building. |