Description of the video:


Video: Emergency lights flash on a fire truck and police car.

Text: Phase 3 prize winners. Refined prototype demonstration. Join the community: FRSTCHALLENGE.COM. Total prizes: $449k.

Video: Gray screen with a list of the prize winners

Text: Banc3, Ravenswood, Navigate IO, Charli, ZOT <1M, Rescunomics, Smart Firefighting, BC/Sysnav, Epic Blue Dot, AdaptiTrace.

Video: Gray screen with logos of the winning teams.


Looking for more information?

Watch and stay tuned on social to learn about each FRST Challenge Phase Three prize-winning team!

Phase Four updates

Phase Four submissions include live demonstrations between 3/27/23 and 3/31/23 at the MUTC facility in Butlerville, Indiana. Office hours and support webinars will take place weekly to support teams in their continued solution development.

Special topics competition

An additional special competition to drive the development of specific technology that teams may use will take place in parallel to Phase Four. Special competition winners will contribute to first responder safety solutions and receive compensation for use of their technology. Watch the FRST portal and to learn more.