First Responder Smart Tracking Challenge
CTIL is excited to host the First Responder Smart Tracking Challenge (FRST), a national competition focused on smart, accurate, in-building location tracking for first responders.
Tracking has long been a problem for first responders. While GPS tracking can tell roughly where on earth somebody is, it’s not accurate enough to tell an incident commander what room in a building somebody is in, nor can it ascertain elevation in a building. Knowing exactly where first responders are in a building during a search and rescue operation is vital to their safety. Currently, no such technology exists.
Thanks to funding from the Public Safety Communications Research Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Crisis Technologies Innovation Lab and its partner, Resultant (formerly KSM Consulting), will administer a series of competitions for companies, entrepreneurs, and students to find the best solution for indoor 3D tracking for first responders.