NETCCN deployment information for La Paz County (fips:04012)

For this county, population demographic data is compared to state and national values.

La Paz CountyArizonaU.S.
Percentage of Population below poverty22%16%14%
Percentage of Unemployed Population3%3%3%
Percentage of Uninsured Population14%11%9%
Percentage of Population with Disability22%13%12%
Percentage of Population Aged 65 and older38%17%15%
Percentage of Population Aged 17 and younger16%24%23%

For this county, COVID-19 community transmission levels are depicted as part of understanding demand for critical care requirements in the region.

Jan 2021Mar 2021May 2021Jul 2021Sep 2021Nov 2021Jan 2022Mar 2022May 2022lowmoderatesubstantialhigh
LowModerateSubstantialHigh1m6mYTD1yallLa Paz County Daily COVID-19 Community Transmission LevelCOVID-19 Community Transmission LevelDate

TODO - describe covid cases plot below

Jan 2021Mar 2021May 2021Jul 2021Sep 2021Nov 2021Jan 2022Mar 20220500100015002000
1m6mYTD1yallLa Paz County COVID-19 casesNumber of COVID-19 cases per 100KDate